I use Google Analytics to track how much my site is being used. For details on what data Google collects and how they store it, please see https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites.

In addition, I will collect any comments you leave via the Contact form. I use reCAPTCHA to make sure you’re not a robot. Click on the reCAPTCHA button on the contact form to find out how that works.

A note on comments: I welcome comments on my blog posts! Please keep comments professional and on-topic. Disagreement is fine – insults and/or advertising promotions are not. I very happily delete spam and nastiness. And due to the massive spam volume, I’ve had to set up additional filters that automatically remove most of it.

I’m not a web developer or a tech guru, just a writer trying to inspire you to step away from your computer and get outside! If you have any questions or concerns about privacy, I have no idea if I’ll be able to answer them – but I’ll do my best. Thanks.

Lake Helena Wildlife Management Area.