Nature blogs, narratives, and other first-hand sources

The Music of Nature

Lang Elliott of the Music of Nature.
Lang Elliott. Photo by Siobhan McClory.

Plant Diversity by Matt Lavin

Big-pod mariposa lily (Calochortus eurycarpus) by Matt Lavin.
Big-pod mariposa lily (Calochortus eurycarpus) by Matt Lavin.

The Prairie Ecologist

Twelve-spotted skimmer (Libellula pulchella) by Chris Helzer.
Twelve-spotted skimmer (Libellula pulchella) by Chris Helzer.

Gulo in Nature

Gulo in Nature blog

Wild With Nature

Wild With Nature blog

Wild Echoes

Wild Echoes - Chris Hails
Chris Hails of Wild Echoes with a parabolic microphone. Photo by Carla Duarte.

Wild Mountain Echoes

Wild Mountain Echoes - Christine Hass

Bug Eric


BugTracks blog: leaf mine
Feeding sign of the larvae of the oak blotch miner moth (Tischeria quercitella) by Charley Eiseman.

The Forager’s Harvest

Sam Thayer of The Forager's Harvest.
Sam Thayer of The Forager’s Harvest. Photo by Melissa Price.

Field Notes

Field Notes - Montana Natural History Center

Wild Harvests

Garry oak (Quercus garryana) acorns. Photo by T. Abe Lloyd.
Garry oak (Quercus garryana) acorns. Photo by T. Abe Lloyd.

MPG Ranch

Spider Collector’s Journal

Rod Crawford of the Spider Collector's Journal.
Rod Crawford of the Spider Collector’s Journal. Photo by Valentina Anderson.

10,000 Things of the Pacific Northwest

Mayuko Fujino’s blog

Mayuko Fujino's recent art, "Trouts and Dipper," the album cover for guitarist Lack Lazuli's 2023 album.
“Trouts and dipper,” the album cover Mayuko Fujino created for guitarist Lack Lazuli’s 2023 album.

Wildflowers and Weeds

Common sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale). Photo by Tom Elpel.
Common sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale). Photo by Tom Elpel.


Sneed (left) and Braden (right) Collard of FatherSonBirding.
Sneed (left) and Braden (right) Collard of FatherSonBirding. Photo by Sneed Collard.

Nature-focused databases and references


Birds of the World

Illinois Wildflowers


Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria

Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria

Montana Field Guide

Montana Field Guide - Montana Natural Heritage Program

Fire Effects Information System

Burke Museum Image Collection

