When you compare the birds of a manicured lawn with those that inhabit a grove of chokecherries, the difference is stark. The lawn might support […]
Cómo cultivar un jardín para las aves en el occidente de Montana
Cuando comparas las aves de un césped cortado con las que viven en un parche de capulines (Prunus virginiana), la diferencia es fuerte. Tal vez […]
Building trust with prairie dogs
July 6, 2022 The burrowing owl watched me from the fencepost, then glanced away, eyes half-closed. Its mate was perching on the ground nearby, next […]
Life at plant speed: a close look at one hilltop
June 8, 2022 From a distance, it’s easy to dismiss the grassland. A green wash on the hills: so what? Sitting in the middle of […]