When you compare the birds of a manicured lawn with those that inhabit a grove of chokecherries, the difference is stark. The lawn might support […]
Cómo cultivar un jardín para las aves en el occidente de Montana
Cuando comparas las aves de un césped cortado con las que viven en un parche de capulines (Prunus virginiana), la diferencia es fuerte. Tal vez […]
Well-hidden wanderers: searching for Montana’s long-eared owls
February 2, 2023 New snow fell two days ago, and it still covers the dense Russian-olive limbs on this sunny morning. We’re standing just inside […]
Nómadas bien escondidos: los búhos cara canela de Montana
2 de febrero de 2023 Hace dos días que cayó más nieve. Esta mañana soleada, todavía cubre las ramas enredadas de los árboles del paraíso […]
Finding winter fruits, birds, and more in Greenough Park
November 17, 2022 It’s a cold, sunny morning in the parking lot of Missoula’s Greenough Park. There are eight of us gathered here, carrying binoculars […]
Montana’s mini wildlife in the Carroll College native plant garden
September 7, 2022 If you’re familiar with the Carroll College campus, you’ve probably walked past it countless times. It’s a small, bushy patch of plants […]