February 7, 2023 The breeze is barely noticeable among the snow-covered pastures and hayfields near Drummond, Montana, but the clouds high overhead tell a different […]
¿Dónde están las aguilillas?
7 de febrero de 2023 Apenas se nota la brisa sobre las pasturas y campos nevados cerca de Drummond, Montana, EE.UU., pero las nubes por […]
Chasing rumors of spring in the Mission Valley
February 4, 2023 The prairie falcon perches on a power pole in the light rain drizzle, tearing apart a vole. Its talons glow faintly, a […]
Persiguiendo rumores de la primavera en el Valle Misión
4 de febrero de 2023 El halcón mexicano (Falco mexicanus) se posa en un poste de electricidad en la llovizna ligera, desgarrando un topillo. Sus […]
Counting the birds of LaValle Creek in the fog
December 17, 2022 The snowy parking lot along the LaValle Creek Road is framed by frosty branches and a gray blanket of fog this morning. […]
Sevenmile Creek: restoring a stream and tracking its birds
August 10, 2022 The clouds are glowing lavender and gold as the sun climbs over the Big Belt Mountains this morning. The spring chorus of […]