La naturaleza siempre está alrededor de nosotros, por todas partes. En cualquier lugar que estemos, estamos viviendo en un ecosistema. Puede que sea muy lejos […]
Learning from starlings: urban ecosystems and weedy species
Nature is all around us, all the time. Wherever we are, we live in an ecosystem. It may be far from pristine. It may be […]
How to grow a bird-friendly garden in western Montana
When you compare the birds of a manicured lawn with those that inhabit a grove of chokecherries, the difference is stark. The lawn might support […]
Cómo cultivar un jardín para las aves en el occidente de Montana
Cuando comparas las aves de un césped cortado con las que viven en un parche de capulines (Prunus virginiana), la diferencia es fuerte. Tal vez […]
Finding winter fruits, birds, and more in Greenough Park
November 17, 2022 It’s a cold, sunny morning in the parking lot of Missoula’s Greenough Park. There are eight of us gathered here, carrying binoculars […]
Kochia: what this despised weed does for fall sparrows
Kochia (Kochia scoparia): the mention of this weed conjures consternation in the minds of many. But when I think of kochia, I think of sparrows. […]
Nature Park: a special place for birds
October 5, 2022 An orange-crowned warbler and two drab gray yellow-rumped warblers are hunting insects in a chokecherry this morning as its leaves drop softly, […]