What do moths have to do with owls? Just ask Mat Seidensticker. After nearly a decade spent studying owls across Montana and Alaska, Seidensticker focused his research […]
Un mundo por alas suaves: por qué importan las polillas
¿Qué tienen las polillas que ver con los búhos? Pregúntale a Mat Seidensticker. Después de pasar casi una década estudiando búhos a través de Montana […]
Bridging the distance: two countries and a Cassin’s kingbird
I recognized it right away, that emphatic kiBURR call from the ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) on the hill. I was in Rosebud County, Montana with […]
Atravesando la distancia: dos países y un tirano chibiú
Lo reconocí inmediatamente, esa llamada enfática, esa chibiú desde el pino ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa) en el cerro. Estaba en el Condado de Rosebud, Montana, EU […]
How to grow a bird-friendly garden in western Montana
When you compare the birds of a manicured lawn with those that inhabit a grove of chokecherries, the difference is stark. The lawn might support […]
Cómo cultivar un jardín para las aves en el occidente de Montana
Cuando comparas las aves de un césped cortado con las que viven en un parche de capulines (Prunus virginiana), la diferencia es fuerte. Tal vez […]
The surprising lives of western Montana’s Lewis’s woodpeckers
February 8, 2023 It’s hard to deny that Lewis’s woodpeckers are stunning birds. Seen in good light, their glossy green backs contrast with their pinkish […]
La vida inesperada de los carpinteros de Lewis en Montana
8 de febrero de 2023 Es difícil negar que los carpinteros de Lewis (Melanerpes lewis) son aves espectaculares. Cuando se los ve en buena iluminación, […]
Counting the birds of LaValle Creek in the fog
December 17, 2022 The snowy parking lot along the LaValle Creek Road is framed by frosty branches and a gray blanket of fog this morning. […]
Attacked by pygmy nuthatches: unusual behavior in the ponderosas
October 26, 2022 It was one of the more curious things I’ve observed in the ponderosa pine forest. At first the interaction seemed peaceful. A […]