Bilingual nature podcast
The ponderosa pine on the hill where the Cassin's kingbird perched.
The ponderosa pine on the hill.

On the wings of a Cassin’s kingbird

The view from the lone pine where the Cassin's kingbird calls.
The view from the lone pine where the Cassin’s kingbird calls.
Bees visit the flowers of white prickly-poppy.
Bees visit the flowers of white prickly-poppy.

Birdsong and the heat of July

The Cassin's kingbird perches in the pine, carrying an insect in its beak.
The Cassin’s kingbird perches in the pine, carrying an insect in its beak.

Bittersweet September

A migrating western tanager feeds in September's chokecherries.
A migrating western tanager feeds in September’s chokecherries.

Fall migration

A flock of Cassin's kingbirds perches in a treetop near Tamazulápam del Progreso.
The tiny specks of a flock of Cassin’s kingbirds perch in a treetop near Tamazulápam del Progreso.

Cassin’s kingbirds from Montana to Oaxaca

Cassin's kingbird near Tamazulápam.
Cassin’s kingbird near Tamazulápam.

November in Oaxaca

Winter Cassin's kingbird habitat in the Valle Central of Oaxaca.
Winter Cassin’s kingbird habitat near Oaxaca de Juárez, where guamúchil trees mix with corn and wild sunflowers.
A lesser goldfinch perches in the wild sunflowers (likely Tithonia tubaeformis).
A lesser goldfinch perches in the wild sunflowers (likely Tithonia tubaeformis).

A winter’s abundance of birds

A Cassin's kingbird perches on a power line.
A Cassin’s kingbird perches on a power line.
A western kingbird perches in a guamúchil.
A western kingbird perches in a guamúchil.
A lesser goldfinch among the sunflowers.
A lesser goldfinch among the sunflowers.

Threads of connection

A white-throated towhee feeds on a nopal near Oaxaca de Juárez.
A white-throated towhee feeds on a nopal near Oaxaca de Juárez.
Lark sparrow.
Lark sparrow.

Connecting worlds

A grasshopper sparrow appears tiny next to a curve-billed thrasher.
A grasshopper sparrow appears tiny next to a curve-billed thrasher.
A Lincoln's sparrow near Oaxaca de Juárez.
A Lincoln’s sparrow near Oaxaca de Juárez.

Almost weightless


Returning to spring

Winter Cassin's kingbird habitat: a field of frijoles near Oaxaca de Juárez.
Winter Cassin’s kingbird habitat: a field of beans near Oaxaca de Juárez.

4 Replies to “Bridging the distance: two countries and a Cassin’s kingbird”

  1. Thanks for your seasonal bird story from Oaxaca, now almost Solstice. We’ve still little snow, a dusting, in Helena. Gail and I are selecting books for sale and give-away. If you were more settled, we’d cart some for you. We’ve decided to move back to La Cross on the Upper Mississippi for a multitude of reasons, but primarily for much needed health care. We know the upper river flyway well. I grew up on a small farm south of Minneapolis in the bluff lands. There is a lot of easy access to bottom land refuges there and oak-hickory savanna and goat prairie on the limestone ridges. We’ll move in June. We hope to see you before then. Ken

    1. Hi Ken, I’m sorry to hear that you’ll be moving away from Helena, but it sounds like a good decision for both of you. And I love thinking of the land you know and describe in that region. I’ll hope to see you before June, and in any case we’ll stay in touch!

  2. This is far too rich, far too much a dance with the Great Mystery to only listen to once or twice. I can hardly take it all in, the love story, the poetry, all those amazing bird songs…I want to play it a line at a time and savor awhile before I go on.

    This is pure magic, Shane. Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much, Jane, I love seeing your comment! (I’m only just seeing it now at the beginning of January – I have so many AI-generated spam comments that I’ve had to set up filters to eliminate them, and sometimes a legitimate comment gets lost in the filter.) Happy Solstice and new year – may this winter bring calm, reflection, and peace!

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