Bilingual nature podcast
Pre-dawn along the Rocky Mountain Front.
Pre-dawn along the Rocky Mountain Front.

Bitterns at Lake Helena?

Listening for bitterns before dawn at Lake Helena.
Listening for bitterns before dawn at Lake Helena.

July in the marsh

Pre-dawn sky at Lake Helena, July 12.
Pre-dawn sky at Lake Helena, July 12.

Swallows and nighthawks

The bank swallow flock in flight.
The bank swallow flock in flight.
Common nighthawk in flight.
Common nighthawk in flight.

Marsh wrens and marbled godwits

Begging juvenile marsh wrens.
Begging juvenile marsh wrens.
Marbled godwits take a drink at the delta.
Marbled godwits take a drink at the delta.

Hot morning at the delta

A killdeer perches at the edge of a mudflat.
A killdeer perches at the edge of a mudflat.

Fall shorebird migration

Long-billed dowitchers forage in the shallows, with a Wilson's phalarope in the background.
Long-billed dowitchers forage in the shallows, with a Wilson’s phalarope in the background.
Western sandpipers forage with a Wilson's phalarope in the foreground.
Western sandpipers forage with a Wilson’s phalarope in the foreground.

Noticing the flies

The marsh of bur-reed.
The marsh of bur-reed.

Mudflats in miniature

Swamp verbena with a viceroy.
Suspected long-legged flies on a mini mudflat.
Suspected long-legged flies on a mini mudflat.
The viceroy on the mudflat.
The viceroy on the mudflat.

Seeing bank swallows, imagining bitterns

Habitat for bitterns? The cattail marsh before sunrise.
Habitat for bitterns? The cattail marsh at Lake Helena before sunrise.
Common nighthawks forage over Lake Helena against a smoky July sunrise.
Common nighthawks forage over Lake Helena against a smoky July sunrise.

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