Para la mayoría de nosotros, los cantos son algo que permea nuestras vidas cada día. Los encontramos en la radio, en conciertos, por anuncios o […]
Earth Song: birds, wolves, and the power of singing
For most of us, song is something that permeates our lives on a daily basis. We find it on the radio, in concerts, in ads, […]
Where have all of the hawks gone?
February 7, 2023 The breeze is barely noticeable among the snow-covered pastures and hayfields near Drummond, Montana, but the clouds high overhead tell a different […]
¿Dónde están las aguilillas?
7 de febrero de 2023 Apenas se nota la brisa sobre las pasturas y campos nevados cerca de Drummond, Montana, EE.UU., pero las nubes por […]
An abundance of overwintering raptors
January 18, 2023 A waning sliver of moon hangs in a partly cloudy sky this morning. The winter sun lights up the tan grasses, gray […]
Una abundancia de aves rapaces del invierno
18 de enero de 2023 Una rodaja fina de la luna menguante cuelga en un cielo parcialmente nublado esta mañana. El sol invernal ilumina los […]
¿Muerte por águila? El mundo que las IA no pueden tocar
12 de enero de 2023 La primera cosa que vemos es una mata de plumas blandas y grises, tumbada suavemente sobre la nieve donde no […]
Death by eagle? The world that artificial intelligence can’t touch
January 12, 2023 The first thing we notice is a soft gray tuft of downy feathers, resting gently on the snow where no feathers were […]
Missoula’s winter ducks in the teeth of the Hellgate wind
December 10, 2022 The forecast called for an easterly wind this morning, and it’s impossible to ignore here along the pedestrian trail that follows the […]
Ducks, raptors, and more at Lee Metcalf NWR
November 20, 2022 It’s -3°F this morning at the Bitterroot Valley’s Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge. Frost coats the tan cattail stems in thick, furry […]